Wednesday, July 30, 2014

History of Crimea


Archaeological evidence of human settlement in Crimea dates back to the Middle Paleolithic. Neanderthal remains found at Kiyik-Koba Cave have been dated to about 80,000 BP. Late Neanderthal occupations have also been found at Starosele (c. 46,000 BP) and Buran Kaya III (c. 30,000 BP).
Archaeologists have found some of the earliest anatomically modern human remains in Europe in the Buran-Kaya caves in the Crimean Mountains (east of Simferopol). The fossils are about 32,000 years old, with the artifacts linked to the Gravettian culture. During the Last Glacial Maximum, along with the northern coast of the Black Sea in general, Crimea was an important refuge from which north-central Europe was re-populated after the end of the Ice Age. The East European Plain during this time was generally occupied by periglacial loess-steppe environments, although the climate was slightly warmer during several brief interstadials and began to warm significantly after the beginning of the Late Glacial Maximum. Human site occupation density was relatively high in the Crimean region and increased as early as ca. 16,000 years before the present.
Proponents of the Black Sea deluge hypothesis believe Crimea did not become a peninsula until relatively recently, with the rising of the Black Sea level in the 6th millennium BC.
The beginning of the Neolithic in Crimea is not associated with agriculture, but instead with the beginning of pottery production, changes in flint tool-making technologies, and local domestication of pigs. The earliest evidence of domesticated wheat in the Crimean peninsula is from the Chalcolithic Ardych-Burun site, dating to the middle of the 4th millennium BC
By the 3rd millennium BC, Crimea had been reached by the Yamna or "pit grave" culture, assumed to correspond to a late phase of Proto-Indo-European culture in the Kurgan hypothesis.


Tauri and Scythians

The Scythian treasure of Kul-Oba, in eastern Crimea.
Main articles: Tauri and Scythians
In the early Iron Age, Crimea was settled by two groups: the Tauri (or Scythotauri) in southern Crimea, and the East Iranian-speaking Scythians north of the Crimean Mountains.
The origins of the Tauri, from which the classical name of Crimea as Taurica or Tauris arose, are unclear. They are possibly a remnant of the Cimmerians displaced by the Scythians. Alternative theories relate them to the Abkhaz and Adyghe peoples, which at that time resided much farther west than today.
The Greeks, who eventually established colonies in Crimea during the Archaic Period, regarded the Tauri as a savage, warlike people. Even after centuries of Greek and Roman settlement, the Tauri were not pacified and continued to engage in piracy on the Black Sea. By the 2nd century BC they had become subject-allies of the Scythian king Scilurus.
The Crimean Peninsula north of the Crimean Mountains was occupied by Scythian tribes. Their center was the city of Scythian Neapolis on the outskirts of present-day Simferopol. The town ruled over a small kingdom covering the lands between the lower Dnieper River and northern Crimea. In the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC, Scythian Neapolis was a city "with a mixed Scythian-Greek population, strong defensive walls and large public buildings constructed using the orders of Greek architecture". The city was eventually destroyed in the mid-3rd century AD by the Goths.

Greek settlement

Chersonesos in modern Sevastopol

Main article: Greeks in pre-Roman Crimea
Further information: Spartocids and Bosporan Kingdom
The ancient Greeks were the first to name the region Taurica or Tauris after the Tauri. As the Tauri inhabited only mountainous regions of southern Crimea, at first the name Tauris was used only to this southern part, but later it was extended to name the whole peninsula.

Greek colonies along the north coast of the Black Sea in the 5th century BCE.

Greek city-states began establishing colonies along the Black Sea coast of Crimea in the 7th or 6th century BC. Feodosiya and Panticapaeum were established by Milesians. In the 5th century BC, Dorians from Heraclea Pontica founded the sea port of Chersonesos (in modern Sevastopol).
In 438 BC, the Archon (ruler) of Panticapaeum assumed the title of the King of Cimmerian Bosporus, a state that maintained close relations with Athens, supplying the city with wheat, honey and other commodities. The last of that line of kings, Paerisades V, being hard-pressed by the Scythians, put himself under the protection of Mithridates VI, the king of Pontus, in 114 BC. After the death of this sovereign, his son, Pharnaces II, was invested by Pompey with the Kingdom of the Cimmerian Bosporus in 63 BC as a reward for the assistance rendered to the Romans in their war against his father. In 15 BC, it was once again restored to the king of Pontus, but from then ranked as a tributary state of Rome.

The "Chersonesus Tauricus" of Antiquity, shown on a map printed in London, ca 1770

Roman Empire

Main articles: Roman Crimea and Bosporan Kingdom
In the 2nd century BC, the eastern part of Taurica became part of the Bosporan Kingdom, before being incorporated into the Roman Empire in the 1st century BC.
During the AD 1st, 2nd and 3rd centuries, Taurica was host to Roman legions and colonists in Charax, Crimea. The Charax colony was founded under Vespasian with the intention of protecting Chersonesos and other Bosporean trade emporiums from the Scythians. The Roman colony was protected by a vexillatio of the Legio I Italica; it also hosted a detachment of the Legio XI Claudia at the end of the 2nd century. The camp was abandoned by the Romans in the mid-3rd century. This de facto province would have been controlled by the legatus of one of the Legions stationed in Charax.
Throughout the later centuries, Crimea was invaded or occupied successively by the Goths (AD 250), the Huns (376), the Bulgars (4th–8th century), the Khazars (8th century). Crimean Gothic, an East Germanic language, was spoken by the Crimean Goths in some isolated locations in Crimea until the late 18th century.

Middle Ages

Mongol invasion and later medieval period

Genoese fortress of Caffa

Byzantine hold on the Crimea was lost in the early 13th century due to the Mongol invasions. In the summer of 1238, Batu Khan devastated the Crimea and pacified Mordovia, reaching Kiev by 1240.
In the 13th century, the Republic of Genoa seized the settlements which their rivals, the Venetians, had built along the Crimean coast and established themselves at Cembalo (now Balaklava), Soldaia (Sudak), Cherco (Kerch) and Caffa (Feodosiya), gaining control of the Crimean economy and the Black Sea commerce for two centuries.
Crimea was under the control of the Turco-Mongol Golden Horde from 1239 to 1441.
The name Crimea (via Italian, from Turkic Qirim) originates as the name of the provincial capital of the Golden Horde, the city now known as Staryi Krym.
In 1346, the bodies of Mongol warriors of the Golden Horde who had died of plague were thrown over the walls of the besieged Kaffa (now Feodosiya). It has been speculated that this operation may have been responsible for the advent of the Black Death in Europe.

Crimean Khanate (1441–1783)

Crimea in the middle of the 15th century

The Crimean Khanate in 1600

After the destruction of the Mongolian Golden Horde army by Timur (1399), the Crimean Tatars founded an independent Crimean Khanate under Hacı I Giray, a descendant of Genghis Khan, in 1441. He and his successors reigned first at Qırq Yer, and from the beginning of the 15th century, at Bakhchisaray.
The Crimean Tatars controlled the steppes that stretched from the Kuban and to the Dniester River, however, they were unable to take control over commercial Genoese towns. After the Crimean Tatars asked for help from the Ottomans, an Ottoman invasion of the Genoese towns led by Gedik Ahmed Pasha in 1475 brought Kaffa and the other trading towns under their control.
After the capture of Genoese towns, the Ottoman Sultan held Meñli I Giray captive, later releasing him in return for accepting Ottoman suzerainty over the Crimean Khans and allowing them rule as tributary princes of the Ottoman Empire. However, the Crimean Khans still had a large amount of autonomy from the Ottoman Empire, particularly, followed the rules they thought were best for them: Crimean Tatars introduced raids into Ukrainian lands, which were used to get slaves to be sold on markets. For example, from 1450 to 1586, eighty-six Tatar raids were recorded, and from 1600 to 1647, seventy. In the 1570s close to 20,000 slaves a year were being sold in Kaffa.
Slaves and freedmen formed approximately 75% of the Crimean population. In 1769 a last major Tatar raid, which took place during the Russo-Turkish War, saw the capture of 20,000 slaves.

Tatar ethnogenesis

The Crimean Tatars as an ethnic group emerge as the population of the Crimean Khanate during the 15th to 18th centuries. They are descended from a complicated mixture of Turkic peoples which settled in Crimea since the 8th century, presumably also absorbing remnants of the Crimean Goths and the Genoese. Linguistically, they are the descendants of the Khazars, who invaded the Crimea in the mid 8th century, their language forming part of the Kipchak or Northwestern branch of the Turkic languages, although it shows substantial Oghuz influence due to historical Ottoman Turkish presence in the Crimea.
A small enclave of the Crimean Karaites, a people of Jewish descent practising Karaism who later adopted a Turkic language, was founded in the 13th century. It existed among the Muslim Crimean Tatars, primarily in the mountainous Çufut Qale area.

Since the end of the XV century the Crimean Khanate, carried out repeated attacks on Russian state and Poland. The main purpose of the raids - the capture of slaves and their resale to the Turkish markets.

Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1774, marked the end of Ottoman rule and by the  Kucuk-Kaynarca peace treaty in 1774 the Ottomans renounced claims to the Crimea.

Russian Empire

April 8, 1783 Catherine II issued a manifesto about the accepting "of the Crimean peninsula," as well as the part of the Kuban to Russia. Russian troops of Suvorov entered on the territory of the Crimea. Near the ruins of ancient Chersonese was founded the city of Sevastopol. The Crimean Khanate was abolished, but its nobles (over 300 genera) became the member of the Russian nobility, and took part in local self-government of the newly created Taurian area. At first, the arrangement of the Russian Crimea was in charge of Prince Potemkin, received the title of "Tauride." In 1783, the adult population of Crimea present around 60 thousand. Persons primarily engaged in cattle breeding (Crimean Tatars). However, under Russian jurisdiction began to grow Russian and Greek population from the number of retired soldiers. Bulgarians and Germans came explore new lands . In 1787, Catherine made ​​his famous journey to the Crimea. During the next Russian-Turkish war in the Crimean Tatar environment started unrest, because of which the territory of their habitat has been significantly reduced. In 1796, the area became part of Novorossiysk province, and in 1802 again became an independent administrative unit. At the beginning of the XIX century in the Crimea is developing viticulture (Magaraci) and shipbuilding (Sevastopol) and roads. When Prince Vorontsov begins to settle Yalta, laid Vorontsov Palace, and the southern coast of Crimea is transformed into a resort.

In 1954 when all deported Crimean Tatars were kept under surveillance in special settlements some thousand kilometers from their Homeland the territory of Crimea was transferred from Russian Soviet Federative Socialistic Republic to Ukrainian Soviet Socialistic Republic. Ukrainian State obtained not only land and natural resources of Crimea but also remained property of Crimean Tatars they were deprived of when deported. In 1997 Crimean Tatar people had a mass petition campaign appealing to the President and the Parliament of Ukraine, UN High Commissioner on Human Rights, OSCE. There were about 100 thousand signatures collected. In that petition we wrote about our problems and possible solutions. There was no feedback from the international organizations and the Ukrainian State did not pay attention to the Appeal, moreover it intensified discrimination and forced assimilation of Crimean Tatars. It is significant that Ukrainian State ignored not only our legal demands but also recommendations of international organizations membership status of which it enjoys: UN, CoE, OSCE committees and agencies. When asked about the situation of Crimean Tatars Ukrainian diplomats abroad either slur over the real situation or lie. They try to dissolve the problems of the indigenous people of Crimea – Crimean Tatars – among the problems of the national minorities of Ukraine, though their situations are incommensurable.

Ukrainian acts on degovernmentalisation deprived those Crimean Tatars who returned of any opportunity to claim it back neither in full nor to the equal extent with other inhabitants of Crimea. Thus, the land taken away from Crimean Tatars is finally transferred into private property by settlers of other nationalities. Ukraine frankly ignored Council of Europe recommendations (Recommendation 1455 (2000) and Repatriation and Integration of Tatars of Crimea, Order #565 (2000)) and practically organized apartheid against Crimean Tatars in form of ban on owing land by a certain ethnic group. Lack of compensation for the property withdrawn in the period of deportation According to the official data, when deported in 1944 Crimean Tatars were taken of over 80 350 private houses with property, 127 500 heads of cattle, 357 000 heads of sheep and goats, over 34 000 hectares of farmland (78 455 plots), all stock of food, seeds, forage for  domes tic animals, constructional material, over 4 000 tons of wheat, maize, barley, over 13 999 carts, 4 tons of tobacco, 90 000 liters of wine, 31 400 kilos of dries fruits, 43 200 pieces of sheepskin, 544 tons of fleece. According to incomplete data, the cost of the private property withdrawn from Crimean Tatars constitutes over 6 billion USD. The cost of the prop erty belonged to collective farms and cooperatives founded by Crimean Tatars constitutes 1,2 billion USD. Later on these land and property were distribute d among or sold to settlers brought in by the State in places previously inhabited by Crimean Tatars, used for founding agricultural enterprises and other purposes. All lands, property and houses owned by Crimean Tatars before the deportation were used by Ukraine. Material resources produced by Crimean Tatars worked for the national economics of Ukraine. Houses previously owned by Crimean Tatars have been till now on occupied by and rented by tourists from settlers brought in according to special programs on settlement of Crimea by non-Crimean Tatar population. This situation brings up issues of responsibility, restitution and compensation according to approaches elaborated and in theory and practice of the international law. Nonetheless: courts absolutely arbitrar ily refuse to consider claims on restitution of property Crimean Tatars were illegally deprived of referring to the fact that there is no special law on restitution of property to formerly deported Crimean Tatars; majority of Crimean Tatars was excluded from the process of privatization of State and municipal property because before 1999 they could not obtain Ukrainian citizenship and had no record of service in State enterprises of Ukraine due to the decades spent in the places of deportation.

Lying to the UN Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination Leonid Efimenko, 1st Vice-Minster of Justice of Ukraine, at the meeting of the Committee on 10 March 1998 stated that fulfilled all its obligations regarding restitution of property to all formerly deported persons and those who underwent repressions. Compensation was paid and all persons were rehabilitated. Cases on which unjustified judgments we pronounced are being reconsidered. This is frank lie and concealment of apartheid in the form of ban over owning property individually and jointly with others. Crimean Tatar language is excluded from the public life of Ukraine and Crimea. Before the Deportation Crimean Tatar language was one of the State languages of Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialistic Republic, it was used in clerical work, in court, for official and notarial documents, signboards and announcements, official seals. Every day radio programs in Crimean Tatar language were broadcasted for 6 hours, over 40 000 Crimean Tatar children received education in their native language, there were vocational schools and in stitutes. Belle-lettres, scientific and special literature was published in mass edition. Abroad the authorities boast of 15 Crimean Tatar schools they opened. This is not true. They did not open them – they just did not manage to prevent their opening due to persistent activity of parents and teachers – Crimean Tatars.

Before the deportation there were over 300 schools, these building are still being used for other purposes. Approving new Crimean Constitution the Ukrainian authorities have excluded Crimean Tatar language from the list of official and State languages, keeping only Ukrainian and Russian as such. The authorities try to convince the international community that as though they promote the language of the retrograde illiterate nation. Crimean Tatar nation has been literate for ages, this was never the fact either for Russian or for Ukraine before XX century. The policy of the Ukrainian authorities was aimed at annihilating the language of Crimean Tatars and imposing Ukrainian language on them instead of their native one. Even ratification of the European Charter of  Regional and Minority Languages did not introduced any changes to the State policy with regard to Crimean Tatar language. From the beginning of Ukrainian presence in Crimea there was systematic activity aimed at annihilation of the cultural heritage of Crimean Tatar peoples carried out. The colonial period is characterized by destruction of towns, burning of palaces, annihilation of mosques and other objects of material culture. Archeological objects, jewelry, objects of material and spiritual culture were taken from museums to other cities. In Ukraine regardless of the legal base and the State structures called upon to provide for preservation of the cultural heritage the rights of Crimean Tatar people were systematically violated. The land where historical-architectural constructions of archeological objects were located and ancient cemeteries or sacred places were privatized by private persons.Authorities conducted the policy of supporting  Ukrainian language in the State having not asked anyone and without organizing any referendums put all geographical names into Ukrainian version. The State again confirmed the policy of double standards and deliberate annihilation of the indigenous Crimean Tatar people’s historical traces.

March 6, 2014, the Supreme Council of Crimea adopted a resolution to join the republic of the Russian Federation as its subject and appointed a referendum on the issue.

March 11, 2014, the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol City Council adopted the Declaration of Independence of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol.

March 16, 2014 in Crimea, a referendum was held, which was attended by about 82% of voters, 96% of them voted in favor of accession to the Russian Federation. 

March 17, 2014 according to the results of the referendum Republic of Crimea, in which the city of Sevastopol has a special status applied for accession to Russia.

 Additional information:

Crimea went to Russia in order of restitution - OSCE

Crimean Tatar People - Protect us from discrimination – help us restore our rights! (OSCE 2007)

Double standards EU and USA

2008 Kosovo declaration of independence
As of December 2013, most of the member-countries of NATO, EU, Western European Union and OECD have recognised Kosovo as independent.

Obama Should Release Ukraine Evidence

With the shoot-down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 over Ukraine turning a local civil war into a U.S. confrontation with Russia, U.S. intelligence veterans urge President Obama to release what evidence he has about the tragedy and silence the hyperbole.
FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS)
SUBJECT: Intelligence on Shoot-Down of Malaysian Plane
Executive Summary
U.S.–Russian tensions are building in a precarious way over Ukraine, and we are far from certain that your advisers fully appreciate the danger of escalation. The New York Times and other media outlets are treating sensitive issues in dispute as flat-fact, taking their cue from U.S. government sources.
 U.S.–Russian tensions are building in a precarious way over Ukraine, and we are far from certain that your advisers fully appreciate the danger of escalation. The New York Times and other media outlets are treating sensitive issues in dispute as flat-fact, taking their cue from U.S. government sources.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Deleted BBC Report. “Ukrainian Fighter Jet Shot Down MHI7″, Donetsk Eyewitnesses

The original BBC Video Report was published by BBC Russian Service on July 23, 2014.
Why did BBC delete this report by Olga Ivshina?
Is it because the BBC team was unable to find any evidence that a rocket was launched in the area that the Ukrainian Security Service (“SBU”) alleges to be the place from which the Novorossiya Militia launched a “BUK” missile?
Or is it because every eyewitness interviewed by the BBC team specifically indicated the presence of a Ukrainian military aircraft right beside the Malaysian Airlines Boeing MH17 at the time that it was shot down?
Or is it because of eyewitness accounts confirming that the Ukrainian air force regularly used civilian aircraft flying over Novorossiya as human shields to protect its military aircraft conducting strikes against the civilian population from the Militia’s anti-aircraft units?
Highlights of Witness statements (see complete transcript below)
Eyewitness #1: There were two explosions in the air. And this is how it broke apart. And [the fragments] blew apart like this, to the sides. And when …
Eyewitness #2: … And there was another aircraft, a military one, beside it. Everybody saw it.
Eyewitness #1: Yes, yes. It was flying under it, because it could be seen. It was proceeding underneath, below the civilian one.
Eyewitness #3: There were sounds of an explosion. But they were in the sky. They came from the sky. Then this plane made a sharp turn-around like this. It changed its trajectory and headed in that direction [indicating the direction with her hands].

Video: The Catastrophe of #MH17: #BBC in the Search of the “#BUK”

Introductory Paragraphs to the BBC Video Report

Intro of BBC Report (For Full Transcript see below)
The “black boxes” of the crashed Malaysian Boeing have finally been transferred into the hands of the experts. However, how much can they tell us?
The recorders logged the coordinates and the heading of the aircraft at the time of the incident and may have recorded the sound of the explosion. However, they will not tell us what exactly caused the explosion.
The inhabitants of the nearby villages are certain that they saw military aircraft in the sky shortly prior to the catastrophe. According to them, it actually was the jet fighters that brought down the Boeing.
The Ukrainian government rejects this version of events. They believe that the Boeing was shot down using a missile from a “BUK” complex that came in from Russia.
The Ukrainian Security Service has published photographs and a video, which, in its opinion, prove that the Boeing was shot down with a “BUK” missile.
BBC reporter Olga Ivshina and producer Oksana Vozhdayeva decided to find the place from which the missile was allegedly launched.

Original BBC Video Report: Preserved by Google Web-cache

Transcript of the BBC Video Report

DPR Representative: Here it is.
Olga Ivshina, BBC: The black boxes from the crashed Boeing are finally being transferred into the hands of the experts. However, how much can they tell us?
The recorders logged the coordinates and the heading of the aircraft at the time of the incident and may have recorded the sound of the explosion. However, they will not tell us what exactly caused the explosion.
The inhabitants of the nearby villages are certain that they saw military aircraft in the sky shortly prior to the catastrophe. According to them, it actually was the jet fighters that brought down the Boeing.
Eyewitness #1: There were two explosions in the air. And this is how it broke apart. And [the fragments] blew apart like this, to the sides. And when …
Eyewitness #2: … And there was another aircraft, a military one, beside it. Everybody saw it.
Eyewitness #1: Yes, yes. It was flying under it, because it could be seen. It was proceeding underneath, below the civilian one.
Eyewitness #3: There were sounds of an explosion. But they were in the sky. They came from the sky. Then this plane made a sharp turn-around like this. It changed its trajectory and headed in that direction [indicating the direction with her hands].
Olga Ivshina, BBC: The Ukrainian government rejects this version of events. They believe that the Boeing was shot down using a missile from a “BUK” complex that came in from the direction of Russia.
Vitaliy Naida, Department of Counterintelligence of SBU [Ukrainian Security Service]: This was a BUK M1 system from which the aircraft was shot down. It came to Ukraine early in the morning on the 17th of July. It was delivered by a tow truck to the city of Donetsk. After that, it was redeployed from Donetsk, as part of a column of military equipment, to the area of the city of Torez, to the area of Snezhnoye, to the area of Pervomaisk.
Olga Ivshina, BBC: The Ukrainian Security Service has published photographs and a video, which, in its opinion, prove that the Boeing was shot down with a “BUK” missile. We attempted to verify these photographs and information at the location.
One of the photographs showed a landscape not far from the city of Torez, on which smoke could be seen coming from the presumed location of the missile’s launch. We attempted to find this location, and it appears that we were successful.
We are now on the outskirts of the city of Torez. Behind me, approximately five kilometres away, is the city of Snezhnoye. And the landscape here matches the landscape that we can see on the photograph published by the Ukrainian Security Service.
To find the place from which the smoke was allegedly coming from, we adopted as markers these three poplars and the group of trees. Presumably, this is the place that can be seen on the photograph published by the SBU. And here are our markers: the three solitary poplars and the small group of trees in the distance.
The smoke that can be seen on the photograph came from somewhere over there [pointing behind her], behind my back. The SBU believes that this is a trace coming from the launch of a “BUK” missile.
However, it must be noted that there are here, approximately in the same place, the Saur-Mogila memorial, near which the fighting continues almost unabated, and a coalmine. It turns out that the smoke with the same degree of probability could have been coming from any of these locations.
Having circled around the nearby fields, we were unable to find any traces of a missile launch. Nor did the local inhabitants that we encountered see any “BUK” either.
At the ruins of an apartment building in the city of Snezhnoye, the topic of the jet fighters that may have been escorting civilian aircraft comes up again. A bomb dropped from above took away the lives of eleven civilians here.
Sergey Godovanets, Commander of the Militia of the city of Snezhnoye: They use these civilian aircraft to hide behind them. It is only now that they stopped flying over us – but, usually, civilian aircraft would always fly above us. And they hide [behind them]. [The experience in] Slavyansk had demonstrated that they would fly out from behind a civilian aircraft, bomb away, and then hide, once again, behind the civilian aircraft and fly away.
Olga Ivshina, BBC: The commander of the local militia emphasizes that they have no weaponry capable of shooting down a jet fighter [flying] at a significant height. However, he says that if such weaponry were to appear, they would have tried to.
Sergey Godovanets: If we know that it is not a civilian aircraft, but a military one, then – yes.
Olga Ivshina, BBC: So, could the Boeing have been shot down by the militias that had mistaken it for a military aircraft? There is as yet no unequivocal confirmation of either this or any other version [of what took place]. The international experts are just beginning their work with the information obtained from the crashed airliner. It now appears that it is difficult to overstate the importance of this investigation. Olga Ivshina, BBC.
The Catastrophe of #MH17:
#BBC in the Search of the “BUK” – The Video Report Deleted by BBC
Translation by: Valentina Lisitsa


Additional link:
The Video Report Deleted by the BBC - ENG SUBS

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Who shot down plane MH17 - Obama's Politburo

Exclusive: U.S. intelligence officials suggest that the person who fired the missile that downed Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 may have been “a defector” from the Ukrainian army, an apparent attempt to explain why some CIA analysts thought satellite images revealed men in Ukrainian army uniforms manning the missile battery, writes Robert Parry.

By Robert Parry

As the U.S. government seeks to build its case blaming eastern Ukrainian rebels and Russia for the shoot-down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, the evidence seems to be getting twisted to fit the preordained conclusion, including a curious explanation for why the troops suspected of firing the fateful missile may have been wearing Ukrainian army uniforms.
On Tuesday, mainstream journalists, including for the Los Angeles Times and the Washington Post, were given a briefing about the U.S. intelligence information that supposedly points the finger of blame at the rebels and Russia. While much of this circumstantial case was derived from postings on “social media,” the briefings also addressed the key issue of who fired the Buk anti-aircraft missile that is believed to have downed the airliner killing all 298 people onboard.
fter last Thursday’s shoot-down, I was told that U.S. intelligence analysts were examining satellite imagery that showed the crew manning the suspected missile battery wearing what looked like Ukrainian army uniforms, but my source said the analysts were still struggling with whether that essentially destroyed the U.S. government’s case blaming the rebels.
The Los Angeles Times article on Tuesday’s briefing seemed to address the same information this way: “U.S. intelligence agencies have so far been unable to determine the nationalities or identities of the crew that launched the missile. U.S. officials said it was possible the SA-11 [anti-aircraft missile] was launched by a defector from the Ukrainian military who was trained to use similar missile systems.”
That statement about a possible “defector” might explain why some analysts thought they saw soldiers in Ukrainian army uniforms tending to the missile battery in eastern Ukraine. But there is another obvious explanation that the U.S. intelligence community seems unwilling to accept: that the missile may have been launched by someone working for the Ukrainian military.
In other words, we may be seeing another case of the U.S. government “fixing the intelligence” around a desired policy outcome, as occurred in the run-up to war with Iraq.
The Los Angeles Times also reported: “U.S. officials have not released evidence proving that Russia’s military played a direct role in the downing of the jet or in training separatists to use the SA-11 missile system. But they said Tuesday that the Russian military has been training Ukrainian separatists to operate antiaircraft batteries at a base in southwestern Russia.”
Though that last charge also has lacked verifiable proof – and could refer to training on less powerful anti-aircraft weapons like so-called Manpads – the key question is whether the Russian government trained the rebels in handling a sophisticated anti-aircraft system, like the SA-11, and then was reckless enough to supply one or more of those missile batteries to the rebels — knowing that these rockets could reach above 30,000 feet where passenger airlines travel.
The Russian government has denied doing anything that dangerous, if not crazy, and the eastern Ukrainian rebels also deny ever possessing such a missile battery. But the question that needs answering is: Are the Russians and the rebels lying?
That requires a serious and impartial investigation, but what the Obama administration and most of the mainstream U.S. news media have delivered so far is another example of “information warfare,” assembling a case to make an adversary look bad regardless of the actual evidence — and then marginalizing any dissents to the desired conclusion.
That was exactly the “group think” that led the United States into the disastrous invasion of Iraq – and it appears that few if any lesson were learned.

SEE - The Mystery of a Ukrainian Army ‘Defector’

Additional links:

White House says Russia ‘culpable’ of MH17 downing, cites ‘social media reports’

Friday, July 25, 2014

Director Oliver stone has tried to persuade them not to believe the us media about the incident with Boeing

Famous Hollywood Director Oliver stone has tried to convince not accept data from the American media, who accused the Russian Federation of belonging to the crash of passenger liner organization Malaysia Airlines.
in a statement posted on the page of the Director, stone drew attention to the need to find alternative viewpoints correspondents who, according to him, considering the circumstances of the accident Malaysian Boeing 777 " deeper than It does fourth power ".
" It would be too good. After a massive attack from the American media try to see this fascinating investigation 2 honest correspondents who consider this issue more deeply than It makes our promotes fourth power ", - stressed the Director.
as examples stone leads Robert Perry and Pepe Escobar, which, on its part, writes that the US authorities deliberately bring down its Inhabitants flow of information, imposing Americans official position of the US capital, without any concrete evidence.
Boeing 777 organization Malaysia Airlines flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, crashed on July 17, in the East of Ukraine. In the cabin of the ship was 298 people, all of them lost his life. The Kyiv authorities have charged disaster militias, told those that do not have the means, which could bring down the plane at this altitude. Russia believes that to investigate the collapse should the International group of experts under the auspices of ICAO.

Additional links:

Thursday, July 24, 2014

The Crash of Flight MH 17 as wrong instrument in hands of USA

The publicly offered evidence against everyone in the Malaysian Airlines MH17 crash remains as it was yesterday, sparse and of dubious trustworthiness. The rhetoric continues to pick up steam, however, with assorted Western officials continuing to pronounce absolute certainty as to the official truth, whatever it happens to be at any given time.

    Broadly, it centers on proclamations of the Ukrainian rebels’ guilt, and Russian culpability, though the narrative tends to be flexible, and yesterday’s insistence of the rebels using a 9k37 Buk vehicle seized from Ukraine’s military has, without explanation, transitioned into the vehicles being provided by Russia, of which Ukraine insists incontrovertible, though totally secret, proof.

    The Obama Administration is similarly claiming evidence of rebel guilt, though their evidence too is being withheld, likely in anticipation of further changes to the official story.

    As the accusations fly fast and freely, another new question has emerged. If, as Ukraine claims, it had so much proof of the rebels having such advanced anti-aircraft missiles, then why was the claim never made publicly until nearly a day after the crash. Likewise, Ukraine’s claims of rebel shoot-downs of military aircraft in the leadup to the MH17 incident seem to be morphing, as it was only hours before that incident that Ukraine was insisting Russia’s Air Force was directly behind the downing of their Su-25 warplanes.
    The wreckage is still barely inspected, and Ukraine is throwing around claims of a cover-up, perhaps anticipating that their allegations will not be upheld when the evidence is examined.
    But for most nations, particularly the US and other Western nations, the fallout of the incident is something to be shopped around for diplomatic advantage, with officials pushing Russia to forcibly end the east Ukrainian rebellion as some sort of payment for ending the hysterical anti-Russia rhetoric surrounding the entire incident.
    Russia so far seems content to hold out for actual evidence, but Western officials appear to believe it is a buyer’s market, and that the perception of guilt is the real problem for Russia, not whether it is upheld by weeks of investigation.


Additional links:

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

New mobilisation in Ukrainian army - July 2014

A mass brawl broke out in the Ukrainian parliament, the Verkhovna Rada, in Kiev on Tuesday, as deputies from the Party of Regions fought with members of the Svoboda party. Party of Regions member Mykola Levchenko was cut off by speaker of the house Aleksandr Turchinov during a speech against President Petro Poroshenko's proposed army mobilization bill. The Rada approved a presidential decree authorizing limited mobilization of army reserves and material, which will be used to reinforce units fighting in the east of the country. It comes along with the Ukraine president’s peace plan, which involves a unilateral ceasefire by government forces in eastern Ukraine.

New appeal Ukrainian army - they left to fight on the East with the people who protect their freedom! Imagine yourself in their place!

Ukrainian wives, mothers, sisters, stop them yourself! You gladly sending yours men to the Eastern Front. And you'll be able to kiss them in the coffins? Here's how it happened (Video from the scene, Dzerzhinsk: a bout in the building of the city administration)

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

What Did US Spy Satellites See in Ukraine?

The U.S. media’s Ukraine bias has been obvious, siding with the Kiev regime and bashing ethnic Russian rebels and Russia’s President Putin. But now – with the scramble to blame Putin for the Malaysia Airlines shoot-down – the shoddy journalism has grown truly dangerous, says Robert Parry.
By Robert Parry
In the heat of the U.S. media’s latest war hysteria – rushing to pin blame for the crash of a Malaysia Airlines passenger jet on Russia’s President Vladimir Putin – there is the same absence of professional skepticism that has marked similar stampedes on Iraq, Syria and elsewhere – with key questions not being asked or answered.
The dog-not-barking question on the catastrophe over Ukraine is: what did the U.S. surveillance satellite imagery show? It’s hard to believe that – with the attention that U.S. intelligence has concentrated on eastern Ukraine for the past half year that the alleged trucking of several large Buk anti-aircraft missile systems from Russia to Ukraine and then back to Russia didn’t show up somewhere.
Yes, there are limitations to what U.S. spy satellites can see. But the Buk missiles are about 16 feet long and they are usually mounted on trucks or tanks. Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 also went down during the afternoon, not at night, meaning the missile battery was not concealed by darkness.
So why hasn’t this question of U.S. spy-in-the-sky photos – and what they reveal – been pressed by the major U.S. news media? How can the Washington Post run front-page stories, such as the one on Sunday with the definitive title “U.S. official: Russia gave systems,” without demanding from these U.S. officials details about what the U.S. satellite images disclose?The U.S. media’s Ukraine bias has been obvious, siding with the Kiev regime and bashing ethnic Russian rebels and Russia’s President Putin. But now – with the scramble to blame Putin for the Malaysia Airlines shoot-down – the shoddy journalism has grown truly dangerous, says Robert Parry.
By Robert Parry
In the heat of the U.S. media’s latest war hysteria – rushing to pin blame for the crash of a Malaysia Airlines passenger jet on Russia’s President Vladimir Putin – there is the same absence of professional skepticism that has marked similar stampedes on Iraq, Syria and elsewhere – with key questions not being asked or answered.
The dog-not-barking question on the catastrophe over Ukraine is: what did the U.S. surveillance satellite imagery show? It’s hard to believe that – with the attention that U.S. intelligence has concentrated on eastern Ukraine for the past half year that the alleged trucking of several large Buk anti-aircraft missile systems from Russia to Ukraine and then back to Russia didn’t show up somewhere.
Yes, there are limitations to what U.S. spy satellites can see. But the Buk missiles are about 16 feet long and they are usually mounted on trucks or tanks. Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 also went down during the afternoon, not at night, meaning the missile battery was not concealed by darkness.
So why hasn’t this question of U.S. spy-in-the-sky photos – and what they reveal – been pressed by the major U.S. news media? How can the Washington Post run front-page stories, such as the one on Sunday with the definitive title “U.S. official: Russia gave systems,” without demanding from these U.S. officials details about what the U.S. satellite images disclose?
Instead, the Post’s Michael Birnbaum and Karen DeYoung wrote from Kiev: “The United States has confirmed that Russia supplied sophisticated missile launchers to separatists in eastern Ukraine and that attempts were made to move them back across the Russian border after the Thursday shoot-down of a Malaysian jetliner, a U.S. official said Saturday.
“‘We do believe they were trying to move back into Russia at least three Buk [missile launch] systems,’ the official said. U.S. intelligence was ‘starting to get indications … a little more than a week ago’ that the Russian launchers had been moved into Ukraine, said the official” whose identity was withheld by the Post so the official would discuss intelligence matters.
But catch the curious vagueness of the official’s wording: “we do believe”; “starting to get indications.” Are we supposed to believe – and perhaps more relevant, do the Washington Post writers actually believe – that the U.S. government with the world’s premier intelligence services can’t track three lumbering trucks each carrying large mid-range missiles?
What I’ve been told by one source, who has provided accurate information on similar matters in the past, is that U.S. intelligence agencies do have detailed satellite images of the likely missile battery that launched the fateful missile, but the battery appears to have been under the control of Ukrainian government troops dressed in what look like Ukrainian uniforms.
The source said CIA analysts were still not ruling out the possibility that the troops were actually eastern Ukrainian rebels in similar uniforms but the initial assessment was that the troops were Ukrainian soldiers. There also was the suggestion that the soldiers involved were undisciplined and possibly drunk, since the imagery showed what looked like beer bottles scattered around the site, the source said.
Instead of pressing for these kinds of details, the U.S. mainstream press has simply passed on the propaganda coming from the Ukrainian government and the U.S. State Department, including hyping the fact that the Buk system is “Russian-made,” a rather meaningless fact that gets endlessly repeated.
However, to use the “Russian-made” point to suggest that the Russians must have been involved in the shoot-down is misleading at best and clearly designed to influence ill-informed Americans. As the Post and other news outlets surely know, the Ukrainian military also operates Russian-made military systems, including Buk anti-aircraft batteries, so the manufacturing origin has no probative value here.

Additional materials:

Why was MH17 flying over a warzone?

'Why did Ukraine SU-25 fly same path as MH17, simultaneously at same altitude?' - Russian Military

Whistleblower: U.S. Satellite Images Show Ukrainian Troops Shooting Down MH17

Ukrainian Su-25 fighter detected in close approach to MH17 before crash - Moscow

Monday, July 21, 2014

Ukrainian Su-25 fighter detected in close approach to MH17 before crash - Moscow

The Russian military detected a Ukrainian SU-25 fighter jet gaining height towards the MH17 Boeing on the day of the catastrophe. Kiev must explain why the military jet was tracking the passenger airplane, the Russian Defense Ministry said.
Follow Malaysia Airlines MH17 plane crash in Ukraine
“A Ukraine Air Force military jet was detected gaining height, it’s distance from the Malaysian Boeing was 3 to 5km,” said the head of the Main Operations Directorate of the HQ of Russia’s military forces, Lieutenant-General Andrey Kartopolov speaking at a media conference in Moscow on Monday.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

250 civilians killed in Ukraine’s Lugansk during last two months – OSCE

At least 250 civilians were killed and over 850 wounded in June and July in the opposition-controlled city of Lugansk, which is besieged by the Ukrainian military, the daily report by the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission said.

According to the report, the observers met with members of Lugansk emergency first aid brigade on Thursday.

“The doctors said that in June and July alone there were 250 killed and 850 wounded in the Lugansk region,” the document published Saturday said.

The figures didn’t include civilians killed in close vicinity of combat zones outside the city as well as causalities among those involved in fighting, the report pointed.

The medics also told the Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) that “increasingly more people were being killed by booby traps and mines.”

Obama said that Russia supports those who knocked "Boeing" - July, 2014

Why Obama need it?
What's the difference now, who knocked the plane - it already been done. The question is - why been sent civilian plane to area, where it can be bring down intentionally or accidentally? Who sent it, and why? This is the major question. Do not ship yourself and do not be fooled by speculations about rebels. Ukrainians sent plane, then they are guilty.
A Spanish air-control operator ( is saying a flight was escorted by 2 Ukrainian fighters and as soon as Boeing disappeared off the radar, Kiev made an announcement about its crash. How could they know so soon?

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Kiev deployed powerful surface-to-air missile systems to E. Ukraine ahead of the Malaysian plane crash – reports

The Ukrainian military reportedly deployed a battery of Buk surface-to-air missile systems, capable of bringing down high-flying jets, to the Donetsk region the day before the Malaysian passenger plane crashed in the area.
Itar-Tass and Interfax news agencies are citing a source familiar with the issue, who said that another battery of Buk systems is currently being prepared for shipment to Donetsk region from the Ukrainian city of Kharkov.
The Donetsk region remains the scene of heavy fighting between government troops and the forces of the opposition, which refused to recognize the regime change in Kiev and demand federalization.
A Malaysian Airlines aircraft en route from Amsterdam to Malaysia crashed in Eastern Ukraine – not far from the Russian border – on Thursday.
There were reportedly 280 people and 15 crew members on board the Boeing-777 plane, who reportedly all died in the crash.
There were unconfirmed reports the Malaysian plane was travelling at an altitude of over 10,000 meters when it was allegedly hit by a missile.
There’s no way that the self-defense forces in Donetsk Region are in possession of such complex weaponry, he stressed.
Only S-300 and Buk surface-to-air missile systems are capable of hitting targets at such altitude, the source said.
Buk (Blume) is a family of self-propelled, medium-range surface-to-air missile systems developed by the former USSR and Russia to engage targets at an altitude of up to 30 kilometers.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Mercenaries in eastern Ukraine

The American soldiers are “military advisors”, members of Blackwater private army (renamed Academi)  try to suppress the revolt in Donetsk. Officially, they were invited by the new West-installed regime. They are the spearhead of the US invasion attempting to prop up the regime and break down all resistance. They have already bloodied their hands in Donetsk.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Genocide on Southeast of former Ukraine

'Degeneration into genocide' as President of Fascist State Mr.Poroshenko calls for the murder of 'hundreds' of rebels for each of his troops killed – more than Nazi Germany ordered as punitive reprisals in World War II; eyewitnesses report Kiev death squads going 'house to house,' executing all men under 35 on the spot, 'crucifying' babies and forcing their mothers to watch – unspeakable atrocities under a complete mainstream media blackout. On Sunday, Ukrainian occupants killed and injured civilians in the Rostov region, the latest bombing on Russian territory. Seek truth from facts with leading war crimes prosecutor Francis Boyle; US Navy veteran Mark Sleboda; investigative journalist William Engdahl; and George Eliason, who lives with his Ukrainian family in the crosshairs of Kiev's bombing near Lugansk.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

1 killed, 2 injured: Russia vows response to Ukraine shelling Russian city

An artillery shell from Ukraine has hit a private house in the Rostov region of Russia, killing a citizen and leaving two more injured. The Russian Foreign Ministry promises heavy consequences.
Reportedly up to six mortar shells exploded on Sunday in the small Russian town of Donetsk, which has the same name as the Ukrainian city and is situated right on the Ukrainian border.
Ukraine’s charge d'affaires in Russia has been summoned to the Foreign Ministry where he was handed a note of protest in the strongest terms.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Southeast Ukraine seeks to understand new Kiev's regime

‘Anger’, ‘disenchantment’ and ‘pride’ are three words that perfectly sum up the mood in southeastern Ukraine at the moment. However, there is one thing the majority of citizens in this region crave more than anything – a referendum on their future.
RT’s documentary channel shows footage never seen on television looking at the reaction of residents living in eastern Ukraine, to see how they have been affected since the coup-appointed government took power in Kiev.

What is really happening in Ukraine? Video-Military Reports

Presented videos about of real events in Ukraine. Actions  of Ukrainian fascist government against civilians. Mass murder of children, women, elderly.

Posted by syrianfreepress in anti-Kiev protesters, Crimes Against Humanity, Donetsk, Kiev government, Lugansk, Novorussia, Right Sector, Slavyansk, Ukraine, Ukraine government, Ukraine’s National Guard, Ukrainian Army, Ukrainian soldiers, Video, Video News, War by Proxy, War crimes, War Criminals, War Strategy.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

The United Nations is Complicit in the Massacre of Civilians in Ukraine

In what at first appears to be a neutral statement on the violence in Ukraine, urging “all sides to put down their arms” and condemning “strong hate speech from all sides”, United Nations Human Rights Commissioner Navi Pillay tacitly placed the blame on the people of Donetsk and Lugansk, who are the unspoken victims of aerial bombings and mortar shelling by the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
Despite numerous reports, video and photographic evidence which confirm that the Ukraine Armed Forces have been targeting civilian areas, High Commissioner Navi Pillay –basing her statements on the report of the UN Monitoring Mission to Ukraine– is emphatic:
    “both sides are equally to blame… and people are caught  in the crossfire between armed groups and the Ukrainian Government.”

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Crimea went to Russia in order of restitution - OSCE, July 2014

Polish weekly "Wprost" published news. It's about of the true text of the resolution of the Parliamentary Assembly of the OSCE - about the refusal to consider joining of the Crimea to the Russian Federation as the violation of the integrity of Ukraine.
The reason for refusal - June 27 signing of Ukraine Association Agreement with the European Union. It provides for mandatory restitution to all members of the EU, even associated. (Restitution - recovery, recall, the return of former rights and benefits).
Article 1 of the Convention of the Council of Europe in 1950: "Protection of property of individuals and legal persons."
In the Protocol number 1 to the Convention clearly stated the right of members of the European Union to have ownership only its own property. It implies the return of illegal duty, including land holdings. Therefore the process of joining of the Crimea to Russia OSCE considering as process of restitution: the return of the rightful owner of its territory. Temporary basis for the status of Crimea was taken on June 28, 1914 - the beginning of the First World War.
"You must not allow the disclosure of the resolution on the Crimea" - had the hysterics of John Kerry,  U.S. Secretary of State. OSCE Chairman Didier Burkhalter timidly referred of OSCE as an independent  international organization for USA.
Washington sent a State Department spokesman Jen Psaki to Vienna, to put pressure on Burkhalter. Due stupidity, Psaki flew to Australia instead Austria. Airplane was deployed halfway, but time was lost. Resolution of OSCE was left in the media adjusted  without mention of restitution. The initial version was obtained by the editor of "Wprost" - Mr. Sylvester Latkovska.

Crimea went to Russia in order of restitution

Crimean Tatar People - Protect us from discrimination – help us restore our rights! (OSCE 2007)

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Ukraine. "Fascism as it is" - film by Andrey Karaulov

In Moscow was held a presentation of the film famous Russian TV journalist, author and host of the “Moment of Truth” Andrei Karaulov “Ukrainian fascism.” The film is dedicated to the tragic events in Ukraine. The film’s title refers to the classic tape Mikhail Romm’s “Ordinary Fascism.”
“It turns out, there is still no documentary in our country, which would gather together at least some of the crimes that occurred in the south-east of Ukraine in April, May and June this year. Here we have done the job. And the most important thing in this film, of course, no questions asked Karaulova, and the testimony of those witnesses (over 10 people), who found the courage and strength to tell the truth, having gone through hell in Mariupol, Odessa, etc. “- he said.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Moscow doesn't rule out filing request to OPCW over suspected chemical attack in Ukraine's east

Russian ambassador to the Netherlands Roman Kolodkin has voiced hope that Ukraine will file a request to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) for to send OPCW experts to participate in the probing of the recent tragic events in Odessa, the RIA Novosti news agency reports.
"We are expecting it. We hope that Ukraine itself will request OPCW experts to participate in the investigation," the ambassador said. Otherwise, he added, Russia may formally appeal to the OPCW to investigate the suspected use of chemical weapons in southeastern Ukraine.
"Solid grounds are needed for such a request to be filed, not just media reports. But if there is more information of that kind, then we may bring the matter up," Kolodkin said.
On June 30, deputy commander of the Donetsk self-defense volunteer corps Igor Strelkov announced that people with chlorine poisoning symptoms had been admitted to a hospital in Slavyansk following a Ukrainian artillery attack on the town.
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