Saturday, October 15, 2016

The history of Ukraine and Ukrainians (artificial roots of the "nation")

Austrian Poles have not invented themselves Ukrainians, but only took up the achievements of his fellow Russian. The invention of the Ukrainians belong to the Polish writer Jan Potocki, who in his book "Historical and geographical fragments of the Scythians, Sarmatians and Slavs", published in Paris in French in 1795, formulated the concept that the Ukrainians who inhabited the Lesser Borderland are people, separate from the Russian and having a completely independent origin. Partly Potocki hypothesis was based on the then popular in Poland Sarmatian theory that Poles were the direct heirs of the legendary tribe, one of the branches of which the author found the Ukrainians. There is no scientific method is writing, of course, did not possess, and was a propaganda response to the partition of Poland. The idea that the author tried to prove was fairly straightforward: since the Ukrainians do not have any relation to Russian nor culturally or historically, no historical right to the lands west of the Dnieper Russia has not. Advocating this was, of course, is designed for the western reader, having a weak understanding of the Eastern European ethnography.

Creatively reinterpreted the concept of Ukrainian another Polish leader-writer, historian, bibliophile Tadeusz (Thaddeus) Chatsky. In 1801 he wrote a pseudo-scientific work "On the name" Ukraine "and the origin of the Cossacks," which displays the Ukrainians from their fictional hordes ukrov allegedly resettled in VII. because of the Volga. The activities of these Polish "Enlightenment" was not wearing a scientific and well-organized political. The fact that the Russian throne from 1801 sat Alexander I, who Gorbachev kind of XIX century., Who led the slavish pro-Western policies. Worst of all, that the emperor was suffering polonofiliey and came in it to such an extreme that even appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs ardent Russophobe Adam Czartoryski, who in the future, during the Polish uprising of 1830-1831., The government headed by the rebels.

Under Alexander the courtyard and public institutions were literally caked with the Polish gentry, which suddenly smitten with love for his Russian winners. But ostentatious conformism hidden desire for revenge Russia at the first opportunity. This phenomenon has even got its name-vallenrodizm. In 1828, Adam Mickiewicz wrote his famous poem "Konrad Wallenrod" with a rather ambiguous story. The protagonist of the work Lithuanian Walter Alf after the Crusaders killed his parents, falls into the knight's castle, where he was brought up a Christian. But in captivity in the castle old vaydelot (Lithuanian folk singer similar to the Scandinavian skald) gives him the love of the homeland and enslaved by hatred of the crusaders. In the first battle moves to the side of Alf Lithuanians settled the Lithuanian prince Keistut and marries his daughter Aldona. However, seeing no way to repel the onslaught of the enemy, he leaves his family and enters the ranks of the Crusaders, where under the name Conrad Wallenrod make a quick career, eventually becoming a Grand Master of the Order. He went on, having made a series of betrayals resulting in the death of the Order. This doctrine was received by the gentry as a guide to action.

Ian Chatsky Taken When Czartoryski diplomatic missions of the Russian government, in 1806 was elected an honorary member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. His brother, a prominent Freemason Severin Chatsky-Chamberlain, a member of the State Council, privy councilor. First Little Russia became a Polish ethnographer Adam Czarnocki, once deserted from the Russian army and joined Napoleon (participated in the invasion of Russia). Back in 1819 in Russia, he was hiding under the name Zorian Dolenga, to ingratiate himself with the emperor. Alexander I ordered to enroll Czarnocki of the Ministry of Education and give him 3,000 rubles. silver a year on the implementation of his "traveling scholars", and the governors and other local authorities were ordered to provide all possible assistance Czarnocki.

Large, almost absolute influence Poles gained in the education system of the Southwestern Region. In the field of public education was marked and protégé Czartoryski, a former trustee of the Vilna educational district (also included the Kyiv, Volyn and Podolsk province), Thaddeus Chatsky-founder of Kremenets Lyceum. He writes in his essay "The Ukrainian movement" Andrey Storozhenko, "in the first quarter of the XIX century there was a special" Ukrainian "school of Polish scientists and poets gave an extremely talented members: K. Svidzinskii, Goschineky S., M. Grobovsky E. Gulikovsky, B.Zaleski, and more. others continued to develop the beginning laid c. J. Potocki and F. Chatsky, and prepared the ideological foundation upon which we create a building of modern Ukrainians. All Ukrainian ideology rooted in Polish soil had grown. "

Kremenetskiy (later Volyn) High School became a real hotbed polonofilskoy intellectuals in 1831 after the defeat of the Polish uprising was closed, later was transferred to Kiev and transformed into University of St. Vladimir. Another strong focus of Polish influence was the Kharkov University, which is not surprising when you consider that it first became a trustee Severin Potocki completely picked up that professorial structure. This explains the fact that the marginal ideas Ukrainians Potocki and Chatsky entrenched over time among the southern Russian intelligentsia. Kharkov University became a real source of Ukrainians in Russia. From its walls fluttered at will among other figures of Ukrainians Peter Gulak-Artyomovsk, one of the pioneers're coming out, literature, historians Dmitry Bogaley and Mykola Kostomarov.

Last most clearly is the portrait of a typical Ukrainian that time. Nikolai Ivanovich's parents were Russian, he was born Russian, but a Ukrainian writer and historian. "Ukrainian language" he had learned as an adult and began scribbling on it poems and plays, however, mediocre. Teachings of his Polish predecessor of the Ukrainian people alone ardent russophobe Kostomarov adapted for home, so to speak, use, putting forward the thesis of the two branches of the East Slavic peoples-Little Russia and Great Russia. At the same time Kostomarov acted the whole direction of the Polish socio-historical thought, deny the Slavic origin of the Russian people, allegedly having Finno-Turkic origin. Since convince someone it was extremely difficult, there was one more mystical concept postulates the existence of the Slavic world of two poles-the carriers of the metaphysical good were the Poles (collective Christ), and Russian, of course, declared the collective incarnation of the devil, and the bearer of bad things, bad and sinful.

Before Kostomarov anyone and would not have to share a single Russian people into separate branches, although the dialectical peculiarities of different dialects also wrote Lomonosov, highlighting three in Russian colloquial dialect-north, Moscow, and Little Russian. At the same time Mikhail pointed out that the differences between the Russian dialects, despite the vastness of the area of ​​settlement of the people, much lower than between German dialects. But despite the very large differences between the Upper Rhine and East Prussian dialect, the Germans today use a single standard language and a single Russian linguistic space in the XX century. It was cut into three parts. Before the concept of a Great Kostomarov considered purely geographical, indicating the indigenous inhabitant of 30 Great Russian provinces.

So, first, through the efforts of Ukrainians historian Kostomarov in the "scientific" usage was introduced artificial separation scheme people in some branches, then the phrase "Little Russian nationality" gradually but purposefully Ukrainians intellectuals replaced the expression "the Ukrainian people." But there is no rooting in the public consciousness, this concept has not been officially propagandized it was only in the Soviet times.

In general, Ukrainians in the Russian Empire intelligentsia existed quite apart from the masses, varyas in its own juice. And what connection could be non-existent Ukrainian people of Russian origin Kostomarov or as Russian founder of the Ukrainian historical "science" Hrushevsky who speak in Ukrainian not really learned, and even wrote in're coming out to-Move is so pathetic that some of his phrases without a half-liter of vodka is quite impossible to understand? Even the founder of the Ukrainian literary language Taras Shevchenko thought in Russian and in Russian as did lifelong intimate diary entries, which did not have to pretend to be a Ukrainian. Ukrainian "George Sand" Marco Vovchok was also nee Maria Vilinskaya Russian and Ukrainians carried away by marrying Ukrainophile Athanasius Markovic.

However, the regional Little Russian literature of the second half of the XIX century. the Ukrainian language has to a very remote, because the Ukrainian language and Ukrainian alphabet did not exist yet, and enthusiasts of the peasant dialects Little Russian alphabet used mostly by experimenting with phonetic spelling system. Austrian Ukrainophiles many of their Russian colleagues can not stand, and attempts to export Polonized Ukrainian language of Galicia met with hostility. The official language of today's Ukraine, many experts suggest calling Novoukrainskaya. Shevchenko it has to be translated, for a half-century very mutated not only Ukrainian grammar and lexical basis of language. We, Russian, it is difficult to realize such a rapid modification of the Ukrainian language, because for us, not only the language of Pushkin, but even it is not Lomonosov seems archaic, but a person familiar with the Church Slavonic, easy read ancient chronicles.

The first is the Russian ukrainizatorami were just Poles. Karevin Alexander in his excellent book "Russia not Russian (both born rschna mova)" describes the beginning of the Ukrainian movement: «XIX century took place in the Ukraine under the sign of a struggle between two cultures-Russian and Polish. Cherished dream of Polish Patriots was the restoration of the independent Commonwealth. New Poland saw them as nothing but "from sea to sea", with inclusion in its structure Right Bank (and, if possible-of the Left Bank), Ukraine and Belarus. But to do so without the assistance of the local population was impossible. And the leaders of the Polish movement called attention to the Ukrainians.

At first they just wanted Polonised. To this end, the manor house began to open special schools for the fortress, where the peasant children brought up in Polish and in the Polish spirit. In Polish literature appeared so-called "Ukrainian school", whose members sang Ukraine, while giving its residents a special branch of the Polish nation. There was even a special term-"third union." According to the ideologists of the Polish movement, after the first, the state of the Lublin union in 1569 (connecting Poland and Lithuania to the inclusion in this Little-Russian lands of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania directly into Poland), and the second church of Brest union in 1596 (tear off part of the population and the Ukraine Belarus from the Orthodox Church and put under the control of this part of Catholicism), "third union" was tied to Poland (naturally, with the simultaneous dissociation from Great Russia), Ukraine (Little Russia) in the field of culture. In that direction the effort and officials, the Poles (them while many served in Ukraine, especially in the Department of the Ministry of Education).

Oddly enough, but this almost blatant subversion authorities did not put obstacles. What is a "psychological war", then simply do not know. And as openly to revolt from time to time the Poles did not call; the king seems to be not abused, and the danger of their activities no one saw. "

But the project "third union" originally was stillborn, since the Polish gentry their Russian serfs were cattle, and recognize the equal of their own, they were not going to. And the peasants heretics and foreign-language masters assume his could not. Therefore, further progress in the concept of Ukrainians went Potocki-Chatsky. Polish intelligentsia held in the South-West region dominant position, began to promote the idea that the Ukrainians-a nation enslaved Russian. For the Russian colonization resistance they called to abandon the Russian culture and develop their own literary language.

But in this case the results were unconvincing. Karevin writes: "Little Russians educated all my heart loved folk customs, songs, dialects, but despite the efforts of Ukrainophiles remained Russian. New ideas seduced unit. "We are only now in Kiev is not more than five hohlomanov stubborn nature of Ukrainians and the (other) all Poles, more than all fussed about distributing booklets Little-Russian,-reported the prominent social activist K. Little Russian Govorsky Galician scientists and public figures Ya Golovatskaya.-They themselves, dressed in the scrolls, wandered from village to village and scatter these little books; true nosy Lyakh sensed in this business for himself pickings when decided on such feats. " What then was called the "Ukrainian national liberation movement" in the initial stage of its development consisted mainly of Poles (V. Antonovich, T. Rila, B. Poznan, Mikhal'chuk K. et al.), Supported by very few Little Russians. "

The main theorist of the doctrine of Ukrainian nationalism also became the Pole Franciszek Duchinski, brought on track in school Uniate Basilian Order in the city of Uman, Kiev province. Teachers (of course, the Poles) inspired young Franciszek that Russia-the Dnieper, and here-Ukraine inhabited by a special branch of the Polish people-Ukrainian. During the Crimean War, he served in the civil positions in the British army in Turkey, all the subsequent years of his life, wandering through Europe, promoting a radical anti-Russian doctrine. Confessing racial approach to history, categorically denies Duchinski Russian (they are representatives turans-handicapped people, opposing the Aryan) the right to be considered the Slavs, arguing that "Muscovites are neither Slavs nor the Christians in the spirit of these Slavs and other Indo-European Christians. They are still nomads and nomads will remain forever. " He seems to be the first in a three-volume "Fundamentals of the history of Poland and other Slavic countries, and Moscow" (1858-1861 gg.) Expressed the opinion that the name "Rus" Muscovites have stolen the Ukrainians, who only have a right to it. Although the technical details of this "kidnapping", he never revealed, all subsequent "svidomye" historians invariably base their concept on this thesis. Well, consider themselves Aryans quite nicely.

Follower Duchinski terrorist Nikolai Mikhnovsky developed the ideas of Ukrainian nationalism to the most radical forms of fascist proclaiming the slogan "Ukraine-Ukrainians. So, driving away with the Ukrainian foreign oppressors! " This appeal was formulated in the "Ten Commandments Ukrainian People's Party" in 1904, when no Ukraine did not exist, but given that Mikhnovsky she saw from the Carpathians to the Caucasus, the scale of the alleged ethnic cleansing operations is impressive. However, in contrast to his godfather, offering the role of the younger brother of Ukrainians Poles Mikhnovsky already devotes lyaham place second in importance after the enemy Ukrainians Muscovites. In the future, Ukrainian nationalism gained so pronounced anti-Polish character that "svidomye" during World War II tried to go to the practical solution of the Polish problem by the physical removal of Poles (the most large-scale action was Volyn Massacre 1943).

Ukrainian national anthem "Ukraine Has Not Yet Perished Shcho" is a kind of rubber stamp with the Polish anthem "Another Polskane sginela" and written on the eve gentry revolt in 1863 a group of Poles headed by Paul Chubinetskim. The propaganda by the author Ukrainian anthem announced Taras Shevchenko. Poles in one of the versions of the anthem Ukrainian brothers declared:

Oh, Bogdan, Zinoviev, drunk our Hetman,
What has sold Ukraine Muscovites nasty?
To return to her honor and glory go to bed heads,
Adv Ukraine loyal sons.
Our Bratchikov Slavs took up arms,
Not good, so we stayed on the sidelines!

Yes, it is not out of the warm feelings to the "Aryan" Polish brothers nurtured Ukrainians. They are hoping that they will support them in the anti-Russian uprising. Simply put, the Poles are very needed cannon fodder.

P.S. Legally, USSR not broken (exist), real faces don't took decision about destroy USSR. Ukraine legally still part of Russia and every things what going on is internal offers of Russia and not of any other country.

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